• Your best work happens here!​
    A coworking space for pragmatic professionals
    Come when ever you wish, alone or in team, pay on time, and leave the rest to us.
    Schedule a visit
  • Your best work happens here!​
    Our Promise : Continuous improvement of your business
    Take part in our afterworks, workshops, happy hours, conferences, talks… Online or live to stay at the forefront of innovation.
    Our calendar of events
  • Your best work happens here!​
    Join our solidarity community​
    Whatever your line of business, questions to your daily challenges are answered by your peers
    Become a member
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Brain-Booster is a friendly and ideal environment for networking. Thanks to the afterworks organized within the community and the different clubs, I was able to share my knowledge with different entrepreneurs and business leaders.
Consultant at Brain-Booster
Desks & Office
Hour ​ / Week
+ 0
Events ​ / year
+ 0
Engaged members

Brain-Booster in a few words

Community, Creativity, Continuous Improvement, Comfort and more…

Brain-Booster is a business accelerator designed to help you focus on what really matters, meet inspiring people and grow your business. We provide you with a collaborative, functional and stimulating work environment, as well as a support system based on trainings, afterworks and other activities aimed at continuously improving your skills, your companies and your projects.

The "Swags" included

Strategic Localization

High-speed WiFi

Flexible Forms

Mini library

Regular events

Board games

Multifunction Copier

Generator set


Vibrant community

Open space

More conviviality, exchange and sharing

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Private offices

For more privacy, alone or in a team

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Meeting corners

Practical for meetings in small committee

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Conference room

30 seats, flexible and equipped for your events

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Business Domiciliation Options

Tired of dragging your company into the briefcase, put your luggage at Brain-Booster. We offer you a full-time workspace with the support and services that go with it. Depending on your size and budget, you will find the formula that suits you. Also, we are flexible and willing to adjust our formulas to the particularity of your situation. Contact us now.

The nomad formulas

If you are passing through or your activity does not require the use of a full-time office,
here are some formulas specially concocted for you.
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XAF 50k/month


XAF 100k/month


XAF 15k/month

Press and Media

Up-coming events

Il n’y a pas de évènements à venir.


Mieux comprendre le coworking en vidéo

Benefits of Members

Why join our community ?

Regardless of your industry, whether domiciliated at Brain-Booster or not, whether you are a professional or a student, if you want to improve, meet inspiring people, share your experience and evolve your activities, your place is at Brain-Booster. Sign up for the membership card (BB-Card) and take advantage of :
Intégrer communauté

Press and Media

News on our blog

The infallible secrets of persuasion

If you want to persuade someone to do something, tell them, or better yet, show them, that other people …

Start of the academic year UCO (Université Catholique de l’Ouest)

The Catholic University of the West in abbreviated UCO, is a private Catholic university, founded in 1875 in Angers (France). UCO has …

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